Marketing, let us do better

If the market is like a battlefield, whoever can make the marketing better will master the initiative of the war and win the game. Today, we are experiencing the era of marketing. In essence, we are constantly marketing, some are marketing goods, some are marketing services, some are marketing ideas, some are marketing strategies. If we are not the actor of marketing, then we must be the followers of marketing. Whether it is moving or moving, at least you need to understand the industry, knowing the means of marketing can master greater initiative, in order to improve the chances of victory.

For the concept or definition of marketing, I believe that people who are engaged in marketing understand. The American Marketing Association defines marketing: the process of creating ideas for ideas, products, services, pricing, promotion, distribution, and meeting the planning and execution of individual and organizational goals. In fact, it is for sales purposes. And the general term for all the work carried out. Selling things is just the purpose of marketing. Marketing covers all the work done for sales purposes, including market analysis, policy research, consumer positioning, value judgment, and strategy development. Just like always doing a way to do anything, marketing must also find the right path. The winner wins, the loser loses! So how can we do better? Next, let me talk about my opinion.

Marketing is mainly aimed at people's marketing. Therefore, marketing must first study people, study customer's consumption psychology, consumption motivation, and consumption purposes. There are many people who have raised marketing to art. I personally think that this is not necessary. In essence, as long as the products and services are sold out, it is a good marketing result, and some metaphysical things such as empty talk theory can only harm the absolute Most of the marketers are at the middle and bottom. Therefore, how to let customers know, understand, agree, and buy is marketing. So how can we do this?

First of all, we must have enough knowledge and understanding of the products and services that will be implemented in marketing (of course, the service is also a product), so that we can fluently answer the strange questions that customers may ask. If the marketer can't understand the products that he sells, how can customers trust your products?

Secondly, it is necessary to research the target consumer group of products for sale. The understanding and familiarity of the target consumer group determines whether the product can be sold smoothly. Give the product an accurate positioning, which level of people it applies to, who is applicable to which area, and to which age group. What are the consumer attitudes, spending power and purchasing desires of these people? Based on the customer analysis data, it is helpful to develop effective marketing strategies. For the customer's consumption concept, the situation is more complicated, it is different due to the environment, education level, geographical differences, living habits, traditional influences, and so on. And for spending power, it is relatively simple. The level of wealth determines the level of purchasing power. Buying a desire, speaking a little bit ordinary, is to see how big a person's vanity is. for example. The Haier Group, which was in the critical period of development, was not able to call it a group at that time, and wanted to adjust the production strategy of the refrigerator. Different opinions were raised to develop the volume of the refrigerator. At that time, the volume of the refrigerator sold on the market was 5L, which basically satisfied the user's use requirements without at least causing waste. There are two main opinions: increase or remain the same. However, after careful consideration, Zhang Ruimin decisively made the decision to increase the volume of the refrigerator and adjusted it to 10L. Some people may say that Zhang Ruimin is desperate and is gambling. However, the market gave Zhang Ruimin confidence with the skyrocketing order quantity, and also gave us a better answer: Zhang Ruimin is right. Later, Mr. Zhang Ruimin gave an explanation for the reason for making this decision: As a marketing, it is more important to study the purchasing psychology of customers. At that time, China was in the beginning of reform and opening up. Some people were indeed rich, and the people also had certain savings in their hands. Considering the future development of China's economy, the demand for refrigerator capacity will certainly increase. Once again, even if some users do not need a large-capacity refrigerator for the time being, the wind of comparison has gradually entered people's minds, which has enhanced the purchasing desire of these users. In view of this, the expansion of the refrigerator capacity, in line with the pace of social development, to cater to people's consumption philosophy, of course, also catered to market demand. This is indeed the case. In-depth study of the target consumer group plays a decisive role in grasping the market direction and formulating a surprisingly successful marketing strategy.

Third, analyze the policy. The policy formulated by the state is also an aspect that cannot be ignored in the marketing process. Zhang Ruimin once said: Enterprises must have three eyes, one eye is on the product, one eye is on the market, and the other eye is on the national policy. Focusing on national policies is of great significance for responding quickly and adjusting production in a timely manner. For products, not only to meet the needs of the market, to cater to the consumer tastes, but also to adapt to national policies. For example, can it meet the national environmental protection requirements, and the food and medicine must meet the national health requirements.

Doing the above work can basically solve the problems that occur in the marketing process. Of course, for marketing in a broad sense, there is still a lot of meticulous work to do, and three points are the work that I personally think is more essential in corporate marketing. Do the above three points, do not need to regard marketing as an "art career", you can certainly do very well!

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